We strive for 100% accurate headlines and apply a rigorous vetting process to every news article on the site. Rumors and insider reports are identified accordingly to ensure distinction between confirmed information and industry buzz that is of interest to our readers.
Before any article is written, we ensure the information is new and accurate. We verify sources and always dig down to the original source (and reference material if applicable) before the writing process begins. Even if other outlets report an unsubstantiated piece of news as official confirmation, we require 100% confirmation to claim it’s actually confirmation. We do not post clickbait. Our headlines might be bold – but we don’t throw out broad statements just to sound bold. It has to be accurate and fact-checked.
Tamilnadu Now team consists of writers from diverse backgrounds in all facets of the entertainment industry brought together by a passion for all things entertainment and a goal of providing the best, as well as most engaging, content possible for visitors to our site.
Our writers and editors are industry veterans – and make sure every new article has the latest info, the most accurate info, and all relevant details. When we are the original source, we follow basic journalism principles.
We @ “The Tamilnadu Now” would like to inform you about the care and caution that We take in order to ensure due to accuracy of Our content, which is addressed by Our Fact-Checking Policy. Due accuracy in all Our content For any journalistic platform, the trust of its audience is the most important aspect. User-Generated Content User-generated content possesses inherent challenges. We do not assume that the material shared with Us is accurate and, depending on how We plan to use it, We take reasonable steps to verify the veracity of such content. We qualify and call out all material that was not gathered by Us.
Error Correction Policy
At “The Tamilnadu Now”, we do not hesitate to acknowledge the errors and mistakes and respond when brought to our notice.
As mentioned above Tamilnadu Now, Fact Check corrects errors as quickly as possible and with high levels of transparency. If the correction is straightforward, we mark the correction within 24 hours of being pointed out. But if the correction involves the further investigation or reaching out to people for their reactions, the correction may take up to 72 hours. We value feedback from our readers, which can be posted in the comments section at the end of every story, video, or post. A request for a correction or an update in a story can also be sent to connect@tamilnadunow.com